Toc Tat Tren is one of the 05 school points that make up the Toc Tat preschool system. The school point has 2 teachers on duty, providing care to 50 students, including both preschool and elementary school age children. For the students, learning always brings joy. The long, often barefoot journey to school does little to dampen their spirit. Right now, it is the run-down facilities and weathered wooden classrooms that command a makeover.
19,200 USD Cost of the project:
03 Classrooms
01 Teacher's room
01 Kitchen
01 Playground

Project progress
Started raising fund for Toc Tat Tren
July 2020
Groundbreaking ceremony at Toc Tat Tren school point
September 2020

August 2020
Proceeded the legal construction permission with the local authority and donation procedure with donors
January 2021
Completed the brand new school
Continue the fairy tale of
Toc Tat Tren

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IEG Foundation
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IEG Foundation is a social enterprise dedicated to bringing education impacts for underprivileged communities & beyond
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112 Cao Thắng, Ward 4, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
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